I am trying to copy columns from one excel workbook to another, here is where I'm at rn :
from openpyxl import load_workbook
wb = load_workbook('220526 MA V3.0.1 John Cpath Right Point list.xlsx')
wb2 = load_workbook('OC PATH.xlsx')
ws_1 = wb['Point List']
ws_2 = wb2 ['OC Point List']
for src, dst in zip(ws_1['B:B'], ws_2['B:B']):
dst.value = src.value
wb.save(filename = '220526 MA V3.0.1 John Cpath Right Point list.xlsx')
wb2.save(filename = 'OC PATH.xlsx')
It's working fine as long as I only want to copy one column, because when I try to copy column C I get a read only error because my first four rows are merged ad they need to be this way. What I'm trying to do is having this code running from row=4 to last row instead of row 1, but I can't find a working solution.
Sorry in advance if this question is dumb, I'm just getting started in Python. Thanks in advance to whoever will take a few minutes to help me, have a good day!
Try changing the For loop part to something like this
for row in range (1,ws_1.max_row):
ONE_CELL = ws_1["C" + str(row)].value # assuming you want to copy from ws_1
ws_2["C" + str(row)].value = ONE_CELL # assuming you want to paste to row C
wb2.save("anything you like.xlsx")
Hopefully, if I understood your question correctly, you got your answer.
Also, don't need to save the workbook that you are coping from ;)