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Why is a function from a Julia submodule being shadowed?

Consider the following code:

module Foo
export g, h

  module Bar
  export f

  f(::Int) = 2


using .Bar

f(::String) = "abc"

g() = f("a")
h() = f(12)


When I run this, if I try calling g() I get "abc" as expected. If I call h() I get an error message. Somehow, the definition of f(::Int) is being shadowed. Is that supposed to happen? How to fix this?

If I omit the definition of f(::String) then h() works.


  • Yes, this is correct behaviour. In order to extend method it should be imported (,-and-adding-methods)

    So, correct example should look like this:

    module Foo
    export g, h
      module Bar
      export f
      f(::Int) = 2
    using .Bar
    import .Bar: f
    f(::String) = "abc"
    g() = f("a")
    h() = f(12)

    I've added import .Bar: f because Bar can export other names, which you do not want to extend. So it is fine to mix these two together. With this addition, everything is working as intended

    julia> using .Foo
    julia> g()
    julia> h()