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How to update at each form element's state change the correct property of a nested data-structure which is a model of the nested form element DOM?

I want to modify a property in deeply nested object in Javascript and return the modified object. For eg, I am rendering checkboxes in my application and the structure looks like below,

    level1: {
    name: 'Level 1',
    key: 'level1',
    checked: false,
    subLevels: {
      level2: {
        name: 'Level 2',
        key: 'level2',
        checked: false,
        subLevels: {
          level3: {
            name: 'Level 3',
            key: 'level3',
            checked: true,
          level4: {
            name: 'Level 4',
            key: 'level4',
            checked: false,

I am rendering the above structure like below, Rendered checkboxes

Now, if a user clicks on any of the checkboxes, I want to return the modified object with the updated state, so let's say if the user clicked on level4 checkbox, I want the below object to be returned. Also, I have the key corresponding to the checked checkbox, so for above scenario, i have 'level4'.

    level1: {
    name: 'Level 1',
    key: 'level1',
    checked: false,
    subLevels: {
      level2: {
        name: 'Level 2',
        key: 'level2',
        checked: false,
        subLevels: {
          level3: {
            name: 'Level 3',
            key: 'level3',
            checked: true,
          level4: {
            name: 'Level 4',
            key: 'level4',
            checked: true,

I wrote the below function to modify the value, but facing difficulty in returning a new object. Also, the object could be deeply nested to any level,

function changeVal(obj, checkedKey) {
    for(const key in obj) {
        if(key === 'subLevels' && typeof obj.subLevels === 'object') {
        if(key === checkedKey) {
            obj[key].checked = !obj[key].checked;

Could you please help out?


  • Presented below is one possible way to achieve the desired objective.

    Code Snippet

    const myUpdate = (obj, k) => (
      [k] in obj
        ? obj[k].checked = !obj[k].checked
        : Object.values(obj).forEach(
            v => myUpdate(v?.subLevels ?? {}, k)
    /* EXPLANATION of the code ---
    // method to update a "cloned" object
    // the caller passes a deep-cloned object
    // by using "structuredClone()"
    const myUpdate = (obj, k) => {
      // if "k" (say "level4") is in "obj"
      if ([k] in obj) {
      // just flip the "checked" prop (false to true, or vice-versa)
        obj[k].checked = !obj[k].checked
      } else {
      // else, recursive call using the "subLevels" prop
      // if there are no values in obj or no "subLevels"
      // simply pass empty object for recursion
          v => myUpdate(v?.subLevels ?? {}, k)
      // always return "obj"
      return obj;
    const dataObj = {
        level1: {
        name: 'Level 1',
        key: 'level1',
        checked: false,
        subLevels: {
          level2: {
            name: 'Level 2',
            key: 'level2',
            checked: false,
            subLevels: {
              level3: {
                name: 'Level 3',
                key: 'level3',
                checked: true,
              level4: {
                name: 'Level 4',
                key: 'level4',
                checked: false,
      '\n\n setting level-4 to true :\n',
      myUpdate(structuredClone(dataObj), 'level4'),
      '\n\n setting level-3 to false :\n',
      myUpdate(structuredClone(dataObj), 'level3'),
      '\n\nand now the existing obj, un-altered:\n',
    .as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0 }


    Comments added to the snippet above.