So we all know that the following code will return a long:
DriveInfo myDrive = new DriveInfo("C:\\");
long size = myDrive.TotalSize;
Console.WriteLine("Drive Size is: {0}", size);
The output will be something like this:
Drive Size is: 114203439104
So I think this means that the drive has a total size of around 114 GigaBytes.
However, I want to get this into the following format:
114.2 MB
Is there a really quick and easy way of doing this?
Thanks in advance.
I think that is 114 GB but hey. Anyway, I would write a helper function for this. Something like...
public string GetSize(long size)
string postfix = "Bytes";
long result = size;
if(size >= 1073741824)//more than 1 GB
result = size / 1073741824;
postfix = "GB";
else if(size >= 1048576)//more that 1 MB
result = size / 1048576;
postfix = "MB";
else if(size >= 1024)//more that 1 KB
result = size / 1024;
postfix = "KB";
return result.ToString("F1") + " " + postfix;
EDIT: As pointed out, I had complete forgot to deal with the size (code amended)