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What exactly does "locale" do on Mac OS X and/or other Unix/Linux OS


man locale

I figure that that locale displays information about the "current locale" or a list of all available locales.

In addition, running

$ locale



However, neither the man nor running it actually sheds a light on what these environment variables do. I would like to ask specifically what these environment variables are needed for or used for? (say for example in the context of a software running on this unix/linux OS that has these environment variables)

The Question: What does that mean in the context of a software that is running on the OS with these locales?


  • Oh, the man page (man 1 locale) does:

    Character classification and case conversion.
    Collation order.
    Date and time formats.
    Non-monetary numeric formats.
    Monetary formats.
    Formats of informative and diagnostic messages and interactive responses.

    Perhaps, you had a look for the 'locale' manpage in the wrong section? These are the standard sections (see man man)

    0   Header files (usually found in /usr/include)
    1   Executable programs or shell commands
    2   System calls (functions provided by the kernel)
    3   Library calls (functions within program libraries)
    4   Special files (usually found in /dev)
    5   File formats and conventions eg /etc/passwd
    6   Games
    7   Miscellaneous (including macro  packages  and  conven-
        tions), e.g. man(7), groff(7)
    8   System administration commands (usually only for root)
    9   Kernel routines [Non standard]

    so, for the locale binary, you have to look in section 1: man 1 locale. To fully answer your question, I cite the description part of locale's man page:

       The locale utility shall write information  about  the  current  locale
       environment,  or  all  public  locales, to the standard output. For the
       purposes of this section, a public locale is one provided by the imple-
       mentation that is accessible to the application.
       When  locale  is  invoked without any arguments, it shall summarize the
       current locale environment for each locale category  as  determined  by
       the  settings  of the environment variables defined in the Base Defini-
       tions volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, Chapter 7, Locale.
       When invoked with operands,  it  shall  write  values  that  have  been
       assigned to the keywords in the locale categories, as follows:
        * Specifying  a  keyword  name  shall select the named keyword and the
          category containing that keyword.
        * Specifying a category name shall select the named category  and  all
          keywords in that category.

    Samples (LC_TIME and LC_MESSAGES):

    $ export LC_TIME='fr_FR.UTF-8' #french time
    $ date
    mar. août 30 18:41:07 CEST 2011
    $ export LC_TIME='de_DE.UTF-8' #german time
    $ date
    Di 30. Aug 18:41:12 CEST 2011 #english time
    $ export LC_TIME='en_US.UTF-8'
    $ date
    Tue Aug 30 18:41:17 CEST 2011
    $ rm NON-EXIST
    rm: cannot remove `NON-EXIST': No such file or directory
    $ export LC_TIME='de_DE.UTF-8' #german time, but english MESSAGES
    $ rm NON-EXIST
    rm: cannot remove `NON-EXIST': No such file or directory
    $ export LC_MESSAGES='de_DE.UTF-8' #german messages
    $ rm NON-EXIST
    rm: cannot remove `NON-EXIST': Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden

    LC_COLLATE is for sorting information according to a language. LC_MONETARY is the format for currency (US: $1.24, europe: 1.24 €)