For the ones that I might have reached with my recent questions on my matrix operations project, I can actually confirm that everything is working perfectly...except one certain operation. I'm talking of course on a function to check if a matrix is reduced to the Row Echelon Form, and as a newbie in functional/logic programming, it is really the most difficult task that I have yet faced.
So, to this function I need to check:
This time I'm actually asking for total help as I don't even know how to start creating this mess, really hoping for a generous soul to execute this ambitious function and to please explain her way of thinking and procede.
Having not heard of Row Echelon Form before, I found which tells me that there can be zeros in the left-to-right diagonal as long as each row "starts" later than the one before it. So I'm thinking:
Count how many leading zeros there are in a row.
Building on that, the matrix is in Row Echelon Form if the number of leading zeros in this row is greater than in the previous row. I'm calling that a ratchet, as it can only increase.
% the number of leading zeros in a list [0,0,1,2,3] -> 2
row_leadZeroCount([], LZC, LZC).
row_leadZeroCount([N|Ns], ZerosToHere, LZC) :-
(N=0 -> (ZerosSeen is 1+ZerosToHere,
row_leadZeroCount(Ns, ZerosSeen, LZC))
; LZC = ZerosToHere). % stop counting at the first non-zero.
% Nested lists are in Row Echelon Form if
% the leading zeros in this row are more than the previous row
% or we're at a state of all remaining rows being only zeros.
matrix_ref_([], _, _).
matrix_ref_([Row|Rows], RowLen, Ratchet) :-
row_leadZeroCount(Row, 0, RowZeros),
(RowZeros < RowLen -> RowZeros > Ratchet
; RowZeros = RowLen),
matrix_ref_(Rows, RowLen, RowZeros).
% wrapper to get row length, to see when a row is all zeros,
% and start the row length Ratchet going.
matrix_ref([Row|Rows]) :-
length(Row, RowLen),
matrix_ref_([Row|Rows], RowLen, -1).
?- _Mx = [[1,2,3,4],
[0,0,0,1], %Example from linked web page
NB. You say "reduced to the Row Echelon Form"; I'm ignoring the "Reduced Row Echelon Form" from that link, assuming that's not what you're asking for.