Here is the problem context: I have two robot files: file1.robot
and file2.robot
Defines in the *** Variables ***
section a list:
with some values.
Now I have a second file: file2.robot
which import the file1.robot
with the instruction:
Resource ./file1.robot
When I try to update the real list in the file2.robot
in the variables section using the command:
${real}= Append To List ${real} connectModule
I get the messages: Recursive variable definition. and Variable '${real}' not found. Any idea how I could do it? Sincerely
It can be done exactly as you have described it. It is difficult to say where you have mistake from what you have shown us, keyword Append To List has no return value that however should not result in your error. But below code should work
Library Collections
Resource ${CURDIR}/unnecessary.resource
*** Test Cases ***
Collections.Append To List ${test_list} new values
Log ${test_list}
*** Variables ***
@{test_list} some values
*** Settings ***
Resource ${CURDIR}/useful.resource
I have all 3 files in the same folder