I'm getting returned a JSON value from MongoDB after I run this query query. The replyID is an object of another Schema User which has _id,email and user. But I dont want the email & _id of the User and just the name. What should I add to the populate function to get the name only? Query ->
path: 'replies',
populate: { path: 'replyID' }
JSON returned
"comments": [
"_id": "6296fcda39d113539bbe023d",
"creator": "62948aff05bcfdb5e75df7e6",
"postId": "62964a997c183d6c09bac126",
"comment": "Sebastian Goattel",
"likes": [
"replies": [
"_id": "629733dcc3220cffa7cb2049",
"replyID": {
"_id": "62948f76727f0c0286949c7a",
"name": "Lorem Ipsum",
"email": "lorem@gmail.com",
"commentID": "6296fcda39d113539bbe023d",
"reply": "Lorem Ipsum 1",
"_id": "629733edc3220cffa7cb204f",
"replyID": "62948f76727f0c0286949c7a",
"commentID": "6296fcda39d113539bbe023d",
"reply": "Lorem Ipsum 2",
Try this one
path: 'replies',
populate: { path: 'replyID', select: 'name -_id' }