Search code examples

Discord Movie Bot error - AttributeError: 'Client' object has no attribute 'send_message'

I have tried to create a discord bot for movies, but I am facing some error, while running the commands. I was able to successfully run the program and the bot shows itself online in my server. However, whenever I enter a command in my server, it shows me the following error:

AttributeError: 'Client' object has no attribute 'send_message'

I have already checked AttributeError: 'Client' object has no attribute 'send_message' (Discord Bot) and AttributeError: 'Client' object has no attribute 'send_message' (DiscordBot python) but I am not able to solve my error as this is my first time creating a bot and I am new to using in general.

Here is my code:

import discord
import asyncio

class MoviesBot:
        @token String -> the api token for the Discord API
        @movies_provider -> allows searching movies
    def __init__(self, token, movies_provider, subtitles_provider):
        self.__token = token
        self.__movies_provider = movies_provider
        self.__subtitles_provider = subtitles_provider
        self.__client = discord.Client()

        async def on_ready(): await self.handle_ready()

        async def on_message(message): await self.handle_message(message)

    def __get_embed_for_query_result(movie, subs, also=[]):
        # Title and Description
        formatted_title = '{} | {}'.format(movie.title, str(movie.year))
        description = movie.description + '\n'
        description += "View on [IMDB]({})".format(movie.imdb_id)
        embed = discord.Embed(title=formatted_title, description=description)
        # Thumbnail

        # Download Links
        for download in movie.downloads:
            download_link = "[Download]({})".format(download['url'])
            embed.add_field(name=download['title'], value=download_link, inline=False)
        if subs:
            embed.add_field(name="{} Subtitles".format(subs.language), value="[Download Subs]({})".format(subs.download_url))

        # Footer (Other search options)
        if len(also) > 0:
            other_options = ', '.join(['{} ({})'.format(m.title, m.year) for m in also])
            embed.set_footer(text="Did you mean:\n" + other_options)

        return embed

    async def handle_ready(self):
        # Log
        print('Logged in as')

    def is_movies_request(message):
        content = message.content
        # Check if keyword matches
        for keyword in ['!movie', '!movies', '!moviebot', '!moviesbot']:
            # If found a match, return True
            if content.startswith(keyword + ' ') and len(content) > len(keyword + ' '):
                return True

        # Return False in case no keyword matched
        return False

    def get_query_from_command(message):
        content = message.content
        # Remove first word
        words = content.split(' ')
        return ' '.join(words[1:])
    async def discord_response_for_query(self, query):
        movies = await self.__movies_provider.search_movies(query)
        # If no movies were found
        if len(movies) == 0:
            # present message
            return "Sorry, I didn't find anything.", None
        selected_movie = movies[0]
        subtitles = await self.__subtitles_provider.search_subtitles(selected_movie)
        # If only found one movie, return it as single result
        if len(movies) == 1:
            # construct message and present it
            embed = self.__get_embed_for_query_result(selected_movie, subs=subtitles)
            return 'Got It!', embed
        # If found multiple movies, return the best one and other as hints
        elif len(movies) > 1:
            alsoFound = movies[1:]
            # construct message and present it
            embed = self.__get_embed_for_query_result(selected_movie, subs=subtitles, also=alsoFound)
            return'Found some, here is the best one', embed

    async def handle_message(self, message):
        if self.is_movies_request(message):
            # Query movies
            query = self.get_query_from_command(message)
            tmp = await self.__client.send_message(, 'Proccessing...')
                body, embed = await self.discord_response_for_query(query)
                print("Error Occured")
                body, embed = "Oops. Something went wrong.", None
            await self.__client.edit_message(tmp, body, embed=embed)

    def start(self):
        # start the bot

from backend.movies.yst_am import YstAmProvider

# Subs
from backend.subtitles.yifysubtitles import YifySubtitlesPorivder
from backend.subtitles.opensubtitles_org import OpenSubsProvider
from backend.subtitles.multiple_sources import MultipleSourcesProvider

# Bot

    from bot import MoviesBot
    from credentials import token
    bot = MoviesBot(token, YstAmProvider(), MultipleSourcesProvider([YifySubtitlesPorivder('Hebrew'), OpenSubsProvider('heb', 'Hebrew')]))

This was the error that I received:

Ignoring exception in on_message
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/discord/", line 343, in _run_event
    await coro(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/Users/Mac/Desktop/Bot/app/", line 19, in on_message
    async def on_message(message): await self.handle_message(message)
  File "/Users/Mac/Desktop/Bot/app/", line 100, in handle_message
    tmp = await self.__client.send_message(, 'Proccessing...')
AttributeError: 'Client' object has no attribute 'send_message'

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!


  • Consider looking at the documentation for

    The discord.Client class does not have a method called send_message. As mentioned in the link you posted, you can use"Content") to send a message.

    Hope this helps :D