I am using a cdk code pipeline and i would like to specify for it to only trigger if a directory within the repo has changed.
const pipeline = new CodePipeline(this, 'Pipeline', {
pipelineName: 'BackEndPipeline',
synth: new CodeBuildStep('SynthStep', {
input: CodePipelineSource.codeCommit(repo, 'master'),
installCommands: [
'npm install -g aws-cdk'
commands: [
'cd mydir',
'npm install',
'npm run build',
'npx cdk synth'
primaryOutputDirectory: 'mydir/cdk.out'
It's a DIY job. A CodePipeline is designed to run from start to finish, unconditionally. The trick is to trigger the pipeline only when there has been a relevant change. You must replace the default trigger-on-every-change setup with manual triggering logic. For a CodeCommit
(1) Turn off the pipeline's automatic trigger. Set the trigger: codepipeline_actions.CodeCommitTrigger.NONE
prop in the CodePipelineSource.
(2) Create an EventBridge Rule to listen to your repo's commit events:
const rule = new events.Rule(this, 'MyRule', {
eventPattern: {
source: ['aws.codecommit'],
resources: ['arn:aws:codecommit:us-east-1:123456789012:my-repo'],
detailType: ['CodeCommit Repository State Change'],
(3) Add a Lambda as the rule's target. The Lambda will receive the referenceUpdated payload on a push to your repo. The event payload contains the commitId
, but not the changed files. To get the file-level changes, your Lambda should call the GetDifferences API. Your Lambda should then determine whether a relevant change has taken place.
(4) Manually trigger a pipeline excecution if required. Your Lambda should call the StartPipelineExecution API or set the pipeline as a custom Event target.