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MySQL combine results of two unrelated tables

I'm trying to merge two query results in to one: Query 1 and the reulsts:

    SELECT MONTHNAME(tblFeesPaid.Pay_Date) AS 'Month', 
            SUM(tblFeesPaid.Fees_Paid) As 'Total Fees' 
    FROM tblFeesPaid 
        INNER JOIN tblFeesStructure ON tblFeesPaid.FID=tblFeesStructure.ID 
    WHERE Year(tblFeesPaid.Pay_Date)=2022 
    GROUP BY month(tblFeesPaid.Pay_Date);


    Month    Total Fees 
    January  162000.00
    February 69000.00
    March    146926.00

Query 2 and results

    SELECT MONTHNAME(tblTransFeesPaid.Pay_Date) AS 'Month', 
            SUM(tblTransFeesPaid.TransFee_Paid) As 'Transport Fees' 
    FROM tblTransFeesPaid 
        INNER JOIN tbltransfeesstructure ON tblTransFeesPaid.TransFID=tbltransfeesstructure.ID 
    WHERE Year(tblTransFeesPaid.Pay_Date)=2022 
    GROUP BY month(tblTransFeesPaid.Pay_Date);


    Month Transport Fees
    March 7000.00

Could someone help me with the correct syntax that I'll achieve results as follows:

Expected results:

 Month    Total Fees  Transport Fees
 January  162000.00
 February 69000.00
 March    146926.00   7000.00


  • SELECT Z.Month, sum(Z.TotalFees) As 'Total Fees', sum(Z.TransportFees) As 'Transport Fees'
    SELECT MONTHNAME(tblFeesPaid.Pay_Date) AS 'Month',
           SUM(tblFeesPaid.Fees_Paid) As 'TotalFees',
           0 As 'TransportFees'
    FROM tblFeesPaid 
    INNER JOIN tblFeesStructure ON tblFeesPaid.FID=tblFeesStructure.ID 
    WHERE Year(tblFeesPaid.Pay_Date)=2022 
    GROUP BY month(tblFeesPaid.Pay_Date)
    SELECT MONTHNAME(tblTransFeesPaid.Pay_Date) AS 'Month',
           0 As 'TotalFees',
           SUM(tblTransFeesPaid.TransFee_Paid) As 'TransportFees' 
    FROM tblTransFeesPaid 
            INNER JOIN tbltransfeesstructure ON tblTransFeesPaid.TransFID=tbltransfeesstructure.ID 
        WHERE Year(tblTransFeesPaid.Pay_Date)=2022 
        GROUP BY month(tblTransFeesPaid.Pay_Date)) Z
    GROUP BY Z.Month;