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git pull: Not possible to fast-forward,

could you please help me to solve my issue? Error occurs when I try to pull from "dev" branch. I browsed the solution and it says that I need to "rebase" but it didnt work out foe me.

CT+aohc@MP1GYWQA MINGW64 /c/TCO/source/RAPMD.Web.Frontend (web_feature/TCORAPD-122389-1)
$ git pull origin dev
 * branch                  dev        -> FETCH_HEAD
fatal: Not possible to fast-forward, aborting.


  • You can follow the following steps:

    • Run git pull --rebase origin dev
    • if you face conflicts then you need to solve those conflicts and run
      • git add <file_name>/ git add .
      • git rebase --continue
    • continue second step until you solve conflicts(remeber rebase compare changes commit wise)
      • Then run git rebase --skip if needed
    • After you successfullly aplied rebase you need to force push the changes
      • Run git push --force-with-lease origin dev (safer way of force push) OR git push -f origin dev