I have a flask function which is like below. When I trigger this via an html, the function named (function_to_be_called) does not work properly cause it uses a library (prolog) which opens a file (prolog config file).
I am getting OSError: exception: access violation reading 0x0000000000000050
When I call this function directly, without the web interface everything is ok.
I need help in executing the function and getting the results. Kind Regards, Ferda
@app.route("/execute_scenario/", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def executeScenario():
form = IndexForm(request.form)
input1 = "something"
input2 = 5678
function_to_be_called(inpt1, input2)
return redirect(url_for("home"))
I switched to PrologMQI. Now the problem is solved.