What does this "Persist state history" button do in redux devtools? Why would the state not always be "persisted"?
This is pin button UI code:
{features.persist &&
See v2.15.0/src/app/containers/App.js#L95
const composeEnhancers = composeWithDevTools({
features: {
pause: true, // start/pause recording of dispatched actions
lock: true, // lock/unlock dispatching actions and side effects
persist: true, // persist states on page reloading
export: true, // export history of actions in a file
import: 'custom', // import history of actions from a file
jump: true, // jump back and forth (time travelling)
skip: true, // skip (cancel) actions
reorder: true, // drag and drop actions in the history list
dispatch: true, // dispatch custom actions or action creators
test: true // generate tests for the selected actions
// other options like actionSanitizer, stateSanitizer
means persist states on page reloading.