I want to update a line chart in real-time on the dashboard. I have dashboard built in dash using plotly.
On the dashboard, I have a line chart. There is a dropdown and that determines what data is displayed and then I also want it to update in real-time, based on whichever dropdown option was selected.
As a result, I want the update_chart function to accept two inputs:
The dropdown option that was selected
The time interval used to make it update in real time
This is what the code looks like right now
@app.callback(Output('live-update-text', 'children'),
Input('interval-component', 'n_intervals'))
def update_metrics(n):
lon, lat, alt = satellite.get_lonlatalt(datetime.datetime.now())
style = {'padding': '5px', 'fontSize': '16px'}
return [
html.Span('Longitude: {0:.2f}'.format(lon), style=style),
html.Span('Latitude: {0:.2f}'.format(lat), style=style),
html.Span('Altitude: {0:0.2f}'.format(alt), style=style)
This is what I want it to look like
@app.callback(Output('live-update-text', 'children'),
Input('interval-component', 'n_intervals')
AND Input('dropdown-option', 'value')
def update_metrics(n, value):
lon, lat, alt = satellite.get_lonlatalt(datetime.datetime.now(), satellite_name = value)
style = {'padding': '5px', 'fontSize': '16px'}
return [
html.Span('Longitude: {0:.2f}'.format(lon), style=style),
html.Span('Latitude: {0:.2f}'.format(lat), style=style),
html.Span('Altitude: {0:0.2f}'.format(alt), style=style)
Notice that I added another input to pull in the dropdown value.
Try likewise -
@app.callback(Output('live-update-text', 'children'),
[Input('interval-component', 'n_intervals'),\
Input('dropdown-option', 'value')],
prevent_initial_call = True)
def update_metrics(n, value):
lon, lat, alt = satellite.get_lonlatalt(datetime.datetime.now(), satellite_name
= value)
style = {'padding': '5px', 'fontSize': '16px'}
return [
html.Span('Longitude: {0:.2f}'.format(lon), style=style),
html.Span('Latitude: {0:.2f}'.format(lat), style=style),
html.Span('Altitude: {0:0.2f}'.format(alt), style=style)