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Capturing the output of an external call as a string (in Chez Scheme)

Using Chez Scheme, I tried to capture the output of an external command into a string port (see

(define output 
  (with-output-to-string (lambda () (system "ls -a")))

The output of (system "ls -a") is displayed on the screen, and output is empty (tested as a script with chezscheme 9.5.4 on Linux).

The same code works correctly with Racket 8.3 [CS].


  • The following works with Chez Scheme 9.5.8 on Linux.

    (define (capture-standard-output command)
      (let-values ([(in out err pid) (open-process-ports command 'block
                                       (make-transcoder (utf-8-codec)))])
        (get-string-all out)))
    (capture-standard-output "ls -a")  ;; => ".\n..\nbar\nfoo\n"