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How to render attribute in Handlebars template from Rocket handler?

I am trying to render a template with Rust Rocket and Handlebars. This compiles but I can't get any arguments to the HTML file to work. The page loads, but the argument is not there. I am familiar with flask and jinja for Python but not as much with Rocket and Handlebars. I have tried countless things but I can't find any documentation that works.


extern crate rocket;
extern crate rocket_contrib;

use rocket::{get, routes};
use rocket_contrib::templates::Template;

fn one() -> String {

fn page() -> Template {
    let context = "string";
    Template::render("page", &context)

fn main() {
        .mount("/", routes![one])


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <h1>Argument is: {{context}}</h1>


  • The template system doesn't know that the local variable is called context. It just knows that your context is a string, which doesn't have an attribute called context. You need to provide a type implementing Serialize, with a member called context for the template expression {{context}} to expand to anything. You could do this with a HashMap or a custom type.

    With a HashMap:

    fn page() -> Template {
        let mut context = HashMap::new();
        context.insert("context", "string");
        Template::render("page", &context)

    With a custom type:

    fn page() -> Template {
        struct PageContext {
            pub context: String,
        let context = PageContext { context: "string" };
        Template::render("page", &context)

    Custom types will generally perform better, and are self-documenting.