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Wordpress dashboard : "Sorry you are not allowed to access this page" after moving live website to localhost

I tried to backup my Wordpress website manually.

  1. I did a backup of my htdocs folder.
  2. I exported a .sql file backup of my database which has "mas" as a prefix. (no underscore after)
  3. I updated the old URL for the new URL in all my database (using PowerShell).
  4. I updated the wp-config.php file.
  5. I created a new database with the same name on my localhost server.
  6. I imported the .sql file on PhpMyAdmin.

After that, I realized I could not access the dashboard as an administrator.

I had the following message : Désolé, vous n’avez pas l’autorisation d’accéder à cette page.

Which is the French equivalent of : Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.

So I deactivated all my plugins. I changed my .htaccess file for .htaccess.old .

In my database, my table usermeta is configured like this for my user account. For some reason, I have two times "prefix_capabilites" and "prefix_user_level" :

meta_key meta_value
mascapabilites a:1:{s:13:"administrator";b:1;}
masuser_level 10
wp_capabilities a:1:{s:13:"administrator";b:1;}
wp_user_level 10

And then, I tried to debug my website with PHPStorm.

This is what I found :

// plugin.php

function user_can_access_admin_page() {
    global $pagenow, $menu, $submenu, $_wp_menu_nopriv, $_wp_submenu_nopriv,
        $plugin_page, $_registered_pages;

    $parent = get_admin_page_parent();

// I omitted some functions here...

if ( empty( $parent ) ) { // $parent is empty ""
        if ( isset( $_wp_menu_nopriv[ $pagenow ] ) ) { // $pagenow is "index.php"
            return false; // It returns here.

And then, it returns here :

// menu.php

if ( ! user_can_access_admin_page() ) {

     * Fires when access to an admin page is denied.
     * @since 2.5.0
    do_action( 'admin_page_access_denied' );

    wp_die( __( 'Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.' ), 403 ); // And displays this.

So, from what I understand, my page index.php is considered TRUE for the table $_wp_menu_nopriv[].

And it somewhat confirms that the user can't access admin page.

But I don't understand what this variable $_wp_menu_nopriv[] means ?

Can you help me?


I tried to change my user wp_capabilites value to : 'a:1:{s:13:"administrator";s:1:"1";}'

But it didn't work either.

And when I try to backup my site with a backup plugin, there is always an error at some point.


I found the solution to my problem from this website.

This occurs when you have (at some point) changed the database prefix using a utility that also altered capability records in the database.

To repair it, make note of your current database prefix. The default is 'wp_' and for simplicity we're going to assume the target prefix is 'wp_'. If the database prefix you wish to use is different, make sure to replace all instances of 'wp_' with your new prefix.

Use phpMyAdmin in Plesk for the database and complete these searches (using LIKE %...%):

In the wp_options table, look for the option_name that ends with "user_roles" and change its prefix so it reads "wp_user_roles" In the wp_usermeta table, look for all entries that begin with the wrong prefix and replace the incorrect prefix with wp_ Now login or refresh the page and you should find your user permissions have returned.


  • I found the solution to my problem from another website :

    This occurs when you have (at some point) changed the database prefix using a utility that also altered capability records in the database.

    To repair it, make note of your current database prefix. The default is 'wp_' and for simplicity we're going to assume the target prefix is 'wp_'. If the database prefix you wish to use is different, make sure to replace all instances of 'wp_' with your new prefix.

    Use phpMyAdmin in Plesk for the database and complete these searches (using LIKE %...%):

    In the wp_options table, look for the option_name that ends with "user_roles" and change its prefix so it reads "wp_user_roles" In the wp_usermeta table, look for all entries that begin with the wrong prefix and replace the incorrect prefix with wp_ Now login or refresh the page and you should find your user permissions have returned.