In my system for pistol competition we have an invoice system. The problem is that one can choose one or more signups but not all for creating invoices but all signups are created. For example we have two signups, John Doe and Mary Doe and I choose only John Doe for invoice both are created in one invoice.
It looks like this:
There are some code in the beginning that takes care of the chosen signups but further down it's not taking care of.
$query->whereIn('', $signupIds);
} dump($signupIds); //Only the chosen is dumped here. ***COMMENT***
as here the dump:
------------ ----------------------------------------
date Thu, 26 May 2022 13:32:25 +0200
controller "ClubInvoicesController"
source InvoiceRepository.php on line 90
file app/Repositories/InvoiceRepository.php
------------ ----------------------------------------
array:1 [
0 => "34"
The file is InvoiceRepository.php The php code:
* Collect all the clubs which to generate a invoice to.
* The club must have one or more competitions that has signups where invoices_id is null.
* Or the club must have one or more competitions that has teams where invoices_id is null.
public function createInvoicesForClub($club, $signupIds = null, $teamIds = null)
* Instanciate $invoices as new collection.
$invoices = new \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection;
$query = Competition::where(function($query) use ($club, $signupIds, $teamIds){
$query->where(function($query) use ($club, $signupIds, $teamIds){
$query->whereHas('Signups', function($query) use ($club, $signupIds){
$query->where(function($query) use ($club) {
$query->where('clubs_id', $club->id);
$query->whereIn('', $signupIds);
} dump($signupIds); //Only the chosen is dumped here. ***COMMENT***
$query->orWhereHas('Teams', function($query) use ($club){
$query->where(function($query) use ($club) {
$query->where('clubs_id', $club->id);
$competitions = $query->get();
$invoicesRecipientTypes = $competitions->groupBy('invoices_recipient_type');
$invoicesRecipientTypes->each(function($invoiceRecipientType, $type) use($club, $invoices, $teamIds){
$signupsGroupedBySender = $invoiceRecipientType->groupBy('invoices_recipient_id');
$signupsGroupedBySender->each(function($signups, $index) use($club, $invoices, $type, $teamIds) {
$signupsGroupedByCompetition = $signups->groupBy('competitions_id');
$signupsGroupedByCompetition->each(function($item) use ($index, $club, $invoices, $type, $teamIds){
$sender = ($type == 'App\Models\District') ? District::find($index) : Club::find($index);
* Collect the signups to attach to the invoice.
$query = \App\Models\Signup::with('User','Competition', 'Weaponclass');
$query->orderBy('competitions_id') -> orderBy('users_id');
$query->where(function($query) use ($club, $sender, $type){
$query->where('clubs_id', $club->id);
$query->whereHas('Competition', function($query) use ($sender, $type){
$query->where('invoices_recipient_type', $type);
$query->where('invoices_recipient_id', $sender->id);
$signups = $query->get();
dd($signups); //All signups are here, including non-chosen ***COMMENT***
$invoice = new \App\Models\Invoice;
$invoice->created_by = \Auth::id();
$invoice->recipient_id = $club->id;
$invoice->recipient_address_city = $club->address_city;
$invoice->sender_id = $sender->id;
$invoice->sender_type = $type;
$invoice->sender_name = $sender->name;
$invoice_nr = \App\Models\Invoice::GenerateInvoiceNumber($type, $sender->id);
$invoice->invoice_nr = $invoice_nr;
$invoice->invoice_reference = $sender->'Y').$invoice_nr;
$invoice->sender_swish = $sender->swish;
$sortorder = 0;
foreach($signups as $signup):
$invoice->expiration_date = (!$invoice->expiration_date ||
$invoice->expiration_date > $signup->Competition->signups_closing_date) ?
$signup->Competition->signups_closing_date : $invoice->expiration_date;
'description' => $signup->User->full_name.' '.$signup->Competition->name.' '
.$signup->Competition->date.' ('.(($signup->Competition->championships_id) ?
$signup->Weaponclass->classname_general : $signup->Weaponclass->classname).')',
'quantity' => 1,
'unit' => _('st'),
'net_unit_amount' => $signup->registration_fee,
'vat_percent' => 0,
'vat_amount' => 0,
'row_net_amount' => 1 * $signup->registration_fee,
'row_vat_amount' => 0,
'row_sum_amount' => 1 * $signup->registration_fee,
'sortorder' => $sortorder
$amount = $invoice->InvoiceRows()->sum('row_sum_amount');
$invoice->amount = $amount;
return $invoices;
How to modify to get it to work?
I got the solution. This is the adjusted code part:
* Instanciate $invoices as new collection.
$invoices = new \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection;
$query = Competition::where(function($query) use ($club, $signupIds, $teamIds){
$query->where(function($query) use ($club, $signupIds, $teamIds){
$query->whereHas('Signups', function($query) use ($club, $signupIds){
$query->where(function($query) use ($club) {
$query->where('clubs_id', $club->id);
$query->whereIn('', $signupIds);
$query->orWhereHas('Teams', function($query) use ($club){
$query->where(function($query) use ($club) {
$query->where('clubs_id', $club->id);
$competitions = $query->get();
$invoicesRecipientTypes = $competitions->groupBy('invoices_recipient_type');
$invoicesRecipientTypes->each(function($invoiceRecipientType, $type) use($club, $invoices, $signupIds, $teamIds){
$signupsGroupedBySender = $invoiceRecipientType->groupBy('invoices_recipient_id');
$signupsGroupedBySender->each(function($signups, $index) use($club, $invoices, $type, $signupIds, $teamIds) {
$signupsGroupedByCompetition = $signups->groupBy('competitions_id');
$signupsGroupedByCompetition->each(function($item) use ($index, $club, $invoices, $type, $signupIds, $teamIds){
$sender = ($type == 'App\Models\District') ? District::find($index) : Club::find($index);
* Collect the signups to attach to the invoice.
$query = \App\Models\Signup::with('User','Competition', 'Weaponclass');
$query->whereIn('', $signupIds);
$query->orderBy('competitions_id') -> orderBy('users_id');
$query->where(function($query) use ($club, $sender, $type){
$query->where('clubs_id', $club->id);
$query->whereHas('Competition', function($query) use ($sender, $type){
$query->where('invoices_recipient_type', $type);
$query->where('invoices_recipient_id', $sender->id);
$signups = $query->get();
} else {
$signups = null;
$invoice = new \App\Models\Invoice;
$invoice->created_by = \Auth::id();
The $signupIds, were missing in three rows in the beginning and I had to do an if($signupIds){ around the $querys that collect the signups. So now only the chosen ones are collected for the invoice. And it works like a charm. Thank you all for tips!