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How to loop a single observation from a dataset through proc surveyselect?

trying a different approach. I have a single dataset consisting of 10000 observations, 1000 per ID. I would like to run each ID from that dataset through a proc surveyselect function. I would like the first ID to run through the function then loop to the second ID to run through the function. Outputting a dataset for each ID. How can I execute that? If possible.


  • Three ways:

    Option 1: Call execute

    Create a distinct list of IDs and run call execute on each one.

    proc sql noprint;
        create table all_ids as
            select distinct id
            from have
    data _null_;
        set all_ids;
        call execute(cat('
            proc surveyselect data=have out=want_', id, ' sampsize=100;',
                ' where id = ', id, ';

    Option 2: Loop with a macro

    Create a distinct macro list of IDs and loop through using a macro.

    %macro survey(sampsize=100);
        proc sql noprint;
            select distinct id
            into :all_ids separated by ' '
            from have
        %do i = 1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&all_ids.) );
            %let id = %scan(&all_ids., &i.);
            proc surveyselect data=have out=want_&id. sampsize=&sampsize.;
                where id = &id.;

    Option 3: Strata

    This will not get you individual datasets for each ID, but you can easily stratify by ID and get samples.

    proc surveyselect data=have out=want sampsize=100;
        strata id;