I have the following problem, when I call the getStudentsList function, it goes to the server to find the new values that I need, but the behaviorSubject returns the current value again (This causes me problems because it load the view with the previous values) while I wait for the server information to return. How can I do to avoid this behavior?
getStudentsList(params): Observable<StudentsListGrid> {
if (this.studentListSubject$ === undefined) {
this.studentListSubject$ = new BehaviorSubject<StudentListGrid>(null);
return this.studentListSubject$.asObservable().pipe(filter((value) => value !== null));
refetchStudentList(gridParams) {
const subscription = this.http.post<StudentListGrid>(this.baseUrl + 'GetStudents', {gridParams} ,httpOptions).pipe(map(data => this.setDefaultValuesToStudent(data))).subscribe(
(response) => {
Based on the definition of BehaviorSubject from doc
BehaviorSubject: A variant of Subject that requires an initial value and emits its current value whenever it is subscribed to
For a quick solution, you can set null before you return Observable in the getStudentsList function:
getStudentsList(params): Observable<StudentsListGrid> {
if (this.studentListSubject$ === undefined) {
this.studentListSubject$ = new BehaviorSubject<StudentListGrid>(null);
// add this line
return this.studentListSubject$.asObservable().pipe(filter((value) => value !== null));
The reason is you empty the last value of BehaviorSubject by passing null so the return of this function always returns a fresh value.
Another way (better way) is to use distinctUntilChanged from RxJs library, I suppose your name become different in each response:
getStudentsList(params): Observable<StudentsListGrid> {
if (this.studentListSubject$ === undefined) {
this.studentListSubject$ = new BehaviorSubject<StudentListGrid>(null);
return this.studentListSubject$.asObservable().pipe(
filter((value) => value !== null),
distinctUntilChanged((prev, curr) => prev.name === curr.name));
I hope this answer helps you.