I'm trying to get my head around this cross join (something that I've never seen before) so that I can convert into LINQ. I'm not exactly sure what its trying to do:
Select various a,b,c,d, and e columns
From Fee a
inner Join FeeCategory b on a.CategoryID = b.FeeCategoryID
inner join FeeCompanyType c on a.FeeID = c.FeeID
cross join FeeType e
left outer join FeeTypeLink d on a.FeeID = d.FeeID and e.FeeTypeID = d.FeeTypeID
var q = (
from fees in Session.Query<Fee>()
join feeCategories in Session.Query<FeeCategory>() on fees.FeeCategory.Id equals feeCategories.Id
join feeCompanyType in Session.Query<FeeCompanyType>() on fees.Id equals feeCompanyType.Fee.Id
Brain in meltdown, any help appreciated...
For cross join just add another from
from fees in Session.Query<Fee>()
//cross join:
from feetypes in Session.Query<Session.Query<Fee>()
join ...
join ...
// left join:
join feetypelink in Session.Query<FeeTypeLink>() on
new {fees.FeeID,feetypes.FeeTypeID} equals new{feetypelink.FeeID,feetypelink.FeeTypeID}
into gr
from res in gr.DefaultIfEmpty() .....