I want to execute the TestNetworkSpeed command which is a part of NetworkControl device trait. Example in the documentation is the following:
What's the Wi-Fi speed?
For action.devices.SYNC intent we return the following mocked output:
agentUserId: 'userId',
devices: [
id: 'deviceId',
type: 'action.devices.types.NETWORK',
willReportState: true,
notificationSupportedByAgent: true,
name: {
name: 'ssid',
defaultNames: ['ssid'],
nicknames: ['ssid'],
traits: ['action.devices.traits.NetworkControl'],
attributes: {
supportsNetworkDownloadSpeedTest: true,
supportsNetworkUploadSpeedTest: true,
supportsEnablingNetworkProfile: true,
supportsDisablingNetworkProfile: true,
networkProfiles: ['kids'],
When I execute the utterance from above example Google Assistant does not make a request to my server. It returns generic google results output.
When I execute utterance to turn off / on the internet for profile it works correctly.
We have enabled HomeGraph.
Here are additional screenshots to showcase what is happening.
When I ask GA what is my ssid it returns the correct ssid.
When I ask GA to turn off the internet for device it works correctly.
When I ask GA what is wifi speed of ssid it returns the SSID name and we receive query command on our api endpoint.
I changed the name of ssid to "home wifi" and reran the command.
I receive the following default output (it does not hit our endpoint).
When I execute just what's the wifi speed without ssid name I also receive default output.
TestNetworkSpeed currently requires features that are not available on Google Home App / Assistant on mobile surfaces, and only supported on a Google Home device. The team is working to enable more surfaces across all available traits.
You can issue “What’s my Wi-Fi Speed” voice utterance on a Google Home device and see if that’s working instead. If you are having issues, you can open up a request on the Public Issue Tracker.