I tried to write this, where s is just an int
for box in current_boxes:
for i in range(len(box)):
box[i] = box[i]*s
as a list comprehension. But my result is not the same. That's what I've tried.
all_boxes = [all_boxes.append(box[i]*s) for box in current_boxes for i in range(len(box))]
Any help is much appreciated.
When using list comprehension you're building a new list. You don't need to use append.
You don't need to use an interator with list indices and range either.
The inner loop would look like this :
[value*s for value in box]
Here we're building a new list which be the original list with each item multiplied by your s
Now, we need to create a such list for each box in your current_boxes
The outer loop that would do this may be like :
[box for box in current_boxes]
When combined :
all_boxes = [[value*s for value in box] for box in current_boxes]