What I would like :
First issue :
If someone can help me I would be glad thanks :D
Here is my view :
@foreach($sheets as $sheet)
<div class="inputGroup">
<input id="{{$loop->index}}" wire:model="selectedBoxes" type="checkbox" value="{{$loop->index}}" checked/>
<label for="{{$loop->index}}">Feuille {{$loop->index+1}}: {{$sheet}}</label>
Here are the results when I dd($sheets) :
^ array:4 [▼
0 => "All ValueRAM FURY"
1 => "Non-ECC ValueRAM"
2 => "All FURY"
3 => "KSM (Server Premier)"
Here is my component :
public $sheets = [];
public $selectedBoxes = [];
public function readExcel()
$data = [];
// Return an import object for every sheet
foreach($import->getSheetNames() as $index => $sheetName)
$data = $import->getSheetNames();
$this->sheets = $data;
Website view :
screenshot 1
You could remove the checked
tag from your select and let wire:model
do it's thing:
public $sheets = [
0 => "All ValueRAM FURY",
1 => "Non-ECC ValueRAM",
2 => "All FURY",
3 => "KSM (Server Premier)"
// wire:model will ensure that all are checked by default.
public $selectedBoxes = [true, true, true, true];
and in your view: (Take a look at the wire:model property and the checked attribute is gone)
@foreach($sheets as $sheet)
<div class="inputGroup">
<input id="sheet-{{$loop->index}}"
wire:model="selectedBoxes.{{ $loop->index }}"
value="{{$loop->index}}" />
<label for="sheet-{{$loop->index}}">Feuille {{$loop->index+1}}: {{$sheet}}</label>