I am getting the following error while running pulumi up
, I am getting a templateBody
update in the preview for aws:cloudformation:Stack spot-ng-01-nodes
aws:ec2:LaunchConfiguration (spot-ng-01-nodeLaunchConfiguration):
error: deleting urn:pulumi:staging::xx-api::eks:index:NodeGroup$aws:ec2/launchConfiguration:LaunchConfiguration::spot-ng-01-nodeLaunchConfiguration: 1 error occurred:
* error deleting Autoscaling Launch Configuration (spot-ng-01-nodeLaunchConfiguration-3a59b7e): ResourceInUse: Cannot delete launch configuration spot-ng-01-nodeLaunchConfiguration-3a59b7e because it is attached to AutoScalingGroup spot-ng-01-d1815eb6-NodeGroup-UBM7XABBGVNU
status code: 400, request id: fc55d507-0884-4c50-aeba-33831646a914
This is the resource in question, but the code was not updated.
new eks.NodeGroup("spot-ng-01", {
cluster: cluster,
spotPrice: "0.1",
instanceType: "t3.xlarge",
labels: { spot: "true" },
version: "1.21",
maxSize: 60,
minSize: 1,
nodeSubnetIds: options.vpc.privateSubnetIds,
instanceProfile: new aws.iam.InstanceProfile("spot-ng-profile-01", { role: role.name }),
nodeAssociatePublicIpAddress: false,
nodeSecurityGroup: clusterSG,
clusterIngressRule: cluster.eksClusterIngressRule,
autoScalingGroupTags: {
Name: "spot",
"k8s.io/cluster-autoscaler/enabled": "true",
[`k8s.io/cluster-autoscaler/${clusterName}`]: "true",
Even after running pulumi refresh
, I still get the error.
The solution required manual intervention, it might not be the best but it solved the issue.
Another LaunchConfiguration was created by pulumi, I made this new LaunchConfiguration used by the AutoscalingGroup in question. then I ran pulumi up
and it was able to delete the LaunchConfiguration that was stuck. Then ran pulumi refresh