I am creating logic app and function app through Bicep configuration but need to update logicapp app settings with function app master key.
Below is the Bicep template:
resource funcapp 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2021-01-15' = {
name: funcappname
location: Location
tags: tags
kind: 'functionapp'
properties: {
enabled: true
serverFarmId: spfuncapp.id
resource logicappsite 'Microsoft.Web/sites@2021-01-15' = {
name: logicapp
location: Location
tags: tags
kind: 'functionapp,workflowapp'
properties: {
enabled: true
serverFarmId: spD365LogicApp.id
siteConfig: {
appSettings: [
'name': 'azureFunctionOperation_functionAppKey'
'value': '<function app master key here?'
How can I add function app master key to logic app settings?
You can get the master key using the listKeys
listKeys(resourceId('Microsoft.Web/sites/host', funcappname, 'default'), '2022-03-01').masterKey
In you case, you could write something like that:
appSettings = [
'name': 'azureFunctionOperation_functionAppKey'
'value': listKeys(resourceId('Microsoft.Web/sites/host', funcapp.name, 'default'), '2022-03-01').masterKey