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Mole redirect not working

I am using Moles in a unit test to redirect calls to a logging application block (a wrapped version of the EntLib), and its working for some methods but not all.

This is the test init method where the delegates are getting setup...

    public void TestInit()

    Common.Logging.Moles.MExceptionEvent.LogExceptionStringStringStringString = delegate(Exception ex, string a, string b, string c, string d)
        Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Exception occurred in test context '{0}' : {1} ", TestContext.TestName, ex.ToString()));

    Common.Logging.Moles.MCriticalEvent.LogStringStringTraceEventTypeStringString = delegate(string a, string b, TraceEventType tet, string c, string d)
        Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Critical Event occurred in test context '{0}' : {1} ", TestContext.TestName, a));

    Common.Logging.Moles.MDebugEvent.LogStringStringTraceEventTypeStringString = delegate(string a, string b, TraceEventType tet, string c, string d)
       Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Debug Event occurred in test context '{0}' : {1} ", TestContext.TestName, a));


This is the method signatures that are redirected (from object explorer).

Public Shared Sub Log(exc As System.Exception, Optional sessionId As String = "", Optional msg As String = "", Optional encoreNamespace As String = "", Optional methodName As String = "")
     Member of Common.Logging.ExceptionEvent

Public Shared Sub Log(msg As String, Optional sessionId As String = "", Optional severity As System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType = Information, Optional encoreNamespace As String = "", Optional methodName As String = "")
     Member of Common.Logging.CriticalEvent

Public Shared Sub Log(msg As String, Optional sessionId As String = "", Optional severity As System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType = Information, Optional encoreNamespace As String = "", Optional methodName As String = "")
     Member of Common.Logging.DebugEvent

The ExceptionEvent and CriticalEvent are able to log to the redirected output location correctly, however the DebugEvent is not. The DebugEvent call throws a configuration exception because its trying to load the logging configuration from the config file.

Is there something simple I am missing, or should this work as I have it written?


  • Turned out not to be a direct problem with the above code.

    I had a [ClassInitialize] that was invoking the logging calls, and that always fires before the [TestInitialize].

    Moving the content of the [TestInitialize] to the beginning of the [ClassInitialize] fixed the problem.