I am new to xquery and unable to understand what does it means :
declare function my:get-unique-lines($object)
let $lines := distinct-values (
for $line in $object[contains(@name," ")]/@name
return (string-join(tokenize($line," ")[position()< last()]," "))
return $lines
Well firstly, the variable $lines
is obviously redundant. We're left with
distinct-values (
for $line in $object[contains(@name," ")]/@name
return (string-join(tokenize($line," ")[position()< last()]," "))
What string-join(tokenize($line," ")[position()< last()]
does is to split $line into tokens at space boundaries, take all tokens except the last, and then join them back together with space as a separator.
We do that for all the selected @name values, and then remove duplicates.
So if $object contains a list of element like
<e name="John Smith"/>
<e name="John Jones"/>
<e name="John Henry Jones"/>
<e name="John Henry Miller"/>
the result will be the two strings "John" and "John Henry".