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Insufficient permissions for deploying ARM template using Python SDK

I've got a simple scirpt that should deploy an ARM template:

credentials = ClientSecretCredential(

template = requests.get("<template-url>").json()

deployment_properties = {
    'mode': DeploymentMode.incremental,
    'template': template

deployment = Deployment(location="eastus", properties=deployment_properties)

client = ResourceManagementClient(credentials, subscription_id="<subscription-id>")
deployment_async_operation = client.deployments.begin_create_or_update_at_subscription_scope("test_deployment", deployment)

When I try to run it, I get this error:

Exception Details:  (InsufficientPrivilegesForManagedServiceResource) The requested user doesn't have sufficient privileges to perform the operation.
        Code: InsufficientPrivilegesForManagedServiceResource
        Message: The requested user doesn't have sufficient privileges to perform the operation.

The app registration I created, does have user_impersonation permission, which should do the trick. enter image description here

Am I missing some permissions here?

Thanks for the help!


  • The error "Insufficient permissions for deploying ARM template" usually occurs if you don't have required permissions to perform the deployment.

    deployment_async_operation = client.deployments.begin_create_or_update_at_subscription_scope("test_deployment", deployment)

    From above line of code, I assume you are deploying the ARM template at subscription level. Please check whether you have permissions at subscription level of scope.

    To perform any action at subscription level you need either Global Admin Role or Owner Role for your subscription.

    • To know how to assign roles for the subscription, please refer this MsDoc.

    If still the issue persists, please check if the below option is enabled or not. If disabled, enable it like below:

    Go to Azure Portal -> Azure Active Directory -> Properties -> Access management for Azure resources


    Please refer the below links for more information:

    User doesn't have permission to create deployment ARM template in Azure - Microsoft Q&A

    InsufficientPrivilegesForManagedServiceResource · Issue #39 · Azure/Azure-Lighthouse-samples · GitHub