consider this simple resolver for user creation and update:
@Resolver(() => User)
export class UserResolver {
constructor(private userService: UserService) {}
@Mutation(() => User)
async CreateUser(@Args('payload') payload: CreateUserInput) {
return this.userService.createUser(payload);
@Mutation(() => User)
async UpdateUser(@Args('payload') payload: UpdateUserInput) {
return this.userService.updateUser(payload);
when I create and update using grapqhl playground, it works nice :
In running tests, the same query is ok for creation(as logged in the image) but has error with update mutation which is same in both queries:
export const UpdateUserMutation = `
mutation UpdateUser( $id:String!, $email:String ) {
UpdateUser(payload: { _id: $id, email: $email }) {
so am i missing somthing?
In my tests, I was using beforeEach
and afterEach
to reset the DB and the server.
by using beforeAll
and afterAll
the created user were kept so that user was updated successfully.