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Can't install Proj 8.0.0 for cartopy linux

I am trying to install Cartopy on Ubuntu and need to install proj v8.0.0 binaries for Cartopy. However when I try to apt-get install proj-bin I can only get proj v6.3.1. How do I install the latest (or at least v8.0.0) proj for cartopy?


  • I'm answering my own question here partly to help others with this problem, and partly as an archive for myself so I know how to fix this issue if I come across it again. I spent quite a while trying to figure it out, and wrote detailed instructions, so see below:

    Installing cartopy is a huge pain, and I've found using conda to be a very bad idea (it has bricked itself and python along with it multiple times for me)


    Step 0. Update apt:

    apt update

    Step 1. Install GEOS:

    Run the following command to install GEOS:

    apt-get install libgeos-dev

    In case that doesn't do it, install all files with this:

    apt-get install libgeos-dev libgeos++-dev libgeos-3.8.0 libgeos-c1v5 libgeos-doc

    Step 2. Install proj dependencies:

    • Install cmake:
    apt install cmake
    • Install sqlite3:
    apt install sqlite3
    • Install curl devlopment package:
    apt install curl && apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev

    Step 3. Install Proj

    Trying apt-get just in case it works:

    Unfortunately, cartopy requires proj v8.0.0 as a minimum, but if you install proj using apt you can only install proj v6.3.1

    Just for reference in case anything changes, this is the command to install proj from apt:

    apt-get install proj-bin

    I'm fairly sure this is all you need, but in case it's not, this command will install the remaining proj files:

    apt-get install proj-bin libproj-dev proj-data

    To remove the above installation, run:

    apt-get remove proj-bin


    apt-get remove proj-bin libproj-dev proj-data

    Building Proj from source

    So if the above commands don't work (it's not working as of 2022/4/8), then follow the below instructions to install proj from source:

    • Go to your install folder and download proj-9.0.0 (or any version with proj-x.x.x.tar.gz):
    • Extract the tar.gz file:
    tar -xf proj-9.0.0.tar.gz
    • cd into the folder:
    cd proj-9.0.0
    • Make a build folder and cd into it:
    mkdir build && cd build
    • Run (this may take a while):
    cmake ..
    cmake --build .
    cmake --build . --target install
    • Run to make sure everything installed correctly:

    The test command failed on one test for me (19 - nkg), but otherwise was fine.

    You should find the required files in the ./bin directory


    • Move binaries to the /bin directory:
    cp ./bin/* /bin
    • As per Justino, you may also need to move the libraries:
    cp ./lib/* /lib

    Now after all this, you can finally install cartopy with pip:

    pip install cartopy

    After doing this, my cartopy still wasn't working. I went home to work on this next week, came back, and all of a sudden it was working so maybe try restarting