I am currently working on a model which simulates a delivery process throughout an operating day in simpy. The deliveries are conducted by riders which are delivering one package at a time. The packages need to be delivered within a certain time window. In addition, the system deals with fluctuating demand throughout the day. Therefore, I would like to adapt the number of employees available to the system matching the fluctuating demand on an hourly basis. I modelled the riders as a resource with a certain capacity. Is there any possibility to adjust the capacity of the resource during a simulation run or are there other ways to model the riders with my system?
I already looked for possible solution within the simpy documentation, examples or other posts. However, I was not successful yet. Thus, for any advice or possible solutions I would be very grateful! Thank you in advance.
Use a store instead of a resource. Resources has a fix number of resources. Stores works a bit like a bit more like a queue backed with a list with a optional max capacity. To reduce then number in the store, just stop putting the object back into the store.
So is a example I wrapped a store with a class to manage the number of riders.
Simple demo of a pool of riders delivering packages where the
number of riders can change over time
Idel riders are keep in a store that is wrapped in a class
to manage the number of riders
Programmer Michael R. Gibbs
import simpy
import random
class Rider():
quick class to track the riders that deliver packages
# tracks the next id to be assigned to a rider
next_id = 1
def __init__(self):
self.id = Rider.next_id
Rider.next_id += 1
class Pack():
quick class to track the packages
# tracks the next id to be assigned to a pack
next_id = 1
def __init__(self):
self.id = Pack.next_id
Pack.next_id += 1
class RiderPool():
Pool of riders where the number of riders can be changed
def __init__(self, env, start_riders=10):
self.env = env
# tracks the number of riders we need
self.target_cnt = start_riders
# tracks the number of riders we have
self.curr_cnt = start_riders
# the store idle riders
self.riders = simpy.Store(env)
# stores do not start with objects like resource pools do.
# need to add riders yourself as part of set up
self.riders.items = [Rider() for _ in range(start_riders)]
def add_rider(self):
Add a rider to the pool
self.target_cnt += 1
if self.curr_cnt < self.target_cnt:
# need to add a rider to the pool to get to the target
rider = Rider()
self.curr_cnt += 1
print(f'{env.now:0.2f} rider {rider.id} added')
# already have enough riders,
# must have tried to reduce the rider pool while all riders were busy
# In effect we are cancelling a previous remove rider call
print(f'{env.now:0.2f} keeping rider scheduled to be removed instead of adding')
def remove_rider(self):
Remove a rider from the pool
If all the riders are busy, the actual removal of a rider
will happen when a that rider finishes it current task and is
tried to be put/returned back into the pool
self.target_cnt -= 1
if self.curr_cnt > self.target_cnt:
if len(self.riders.items) > 0:
# we have a idle rider that we can remove now
rider = yield self.riders.get()
self.curr_cnt -= 1
print(f'{env.now:0.2f} rider {rider.id} removed from store')
# wait for a rider to be put back to the pool
def get(self):
Get a rider from the pool
returns a get request that can be yield to, not a rider
rider_req = self.riders.get()
return rider_req
def put(self, rider):
put a rider pack into the pool
if self.curr_cnt <= self.target_cnt:
# still need the rider
# have tool many riders, do not add back to pool
self.curr_cnt -= 1
print(f'{env.now:0.2f} rider {rider.id} removed on return to pool')
def gen_packs(env, riders):
generates the arrival of packages to be delivered by riders
while True:
yield env.timeout(random.randint(1,4))
pack = Pack()
env.process(ship_pack(env, pack, riders))
def ship_pack(env, pack, riders):
The process of a rider delivering a packages
print(f'{env.now:0.2f} pack {pack.id} getting rider')
rider = yield riders.get()
print(f'{env.now:0.2f} pack {pack.id} has rider {rider.id}')
# trip time
yield env.timeout(random.randint(5,22))
print(f'{env.now:0.2f} pack {pack.id} delivered')
def rider_sched(env, riders):
Changes the number of riders in rider pool over time
yield env.timeout(30)
# time to remove a few riders
print(f'{env.now:0.2f} -- reducing riders')
print(f'{env.now:0.2f} -- request queue len {len(riders.riders.get_queue)}')
print(f'{env.now:0.2f} -- rider store len {len(riders.riders.items)}')
for _ in range(5):
yield env.timeout(60)
# time to add back some riders
print(f'{env.now:0.2f} -- adding riders ')
for _ in range(2):
# run the model
env = simpy.Environment()
riders = RiderPool(env, 10)
env.process(gen_packs(env, riders))
env.process(rider_sched(env, riders))
print(f'{env.now:0.2f} -- end rider count {riders.target_cnt}')