I am trying to explode a dataframe based on multiple dataframes (infact on a condition where there is a comma in the data anywhere in that column), but end up getting errors when I try on multiple columns. I have tried split(), explode() etc.
def pad_list(lst, max_len):
return lst + [lst[-1]] * (max_len - len(lst))
new_df = df.apply(lambda row: row.apply(lambda item: pad_list(item.split(','), max(row.str.contains(',') + 1))), axis=1).explode(df.columns.tolist())
>>> new_df
Cat1 Cat2 Cat3 Cat4 Cat5
0 Cat table Pen Toyota Sydney
0 Cat chair Pen Honda Perth
1 Horse Stand Pencil Holden Bali
1 Horse Stand eraser Holden Bali