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postgresql triggers to insert json data into columns and keep left over fields

I have found this question PostgreSQL: Efficiently split JSON array into rows
I have a similar situation but for inserts instead. Considering I do not have a table but raw json in a ndjson file...

{"x": 1}
{"x": 2, "y": 3}
{"x": 8, "z": 3}
{"x": 5, "y": 2, "z": 3}

I want to insert the data into a table of the form (where json fields which do not have a column are stored in the json column)

x y json
2 3 NULL
8 NULL {"z": 3}
5 2 {"z": 3}

How do I define my table such that postgresql does it automatically on insert or \copy


  • Use the operator -> and cast the value to the proper type for values of existing regular columns. Use the delete operator to get the remaining JSON values.

    I have used CTE in the example. Instead, create the table json_data with a single JSONB column and copy the JSON file to it with \copy

    with json_data(json) as (
        ('{"x": 1}'::jsonb),
        ('{"x": 2, "y": 3}'),
        ('{"x": 8, "z": 3}'),
        ('{"x": 5, "y": 2, "z": 3}')
        (json->'x')::int as x, 
        (json->'y')::int as y, 
        nullif(json- 'x'- 'y', '{}') as json
    from json_data

    Read about JSON Functions and Operators in the documentation.

    Note. In Postgres 10 or earlier use the ->> operator instead of ->.

    To automate the conversion when importing json data, define a trigger:

    create table json_data(json jsonb);
    create or replace function json_data_trigger()
    returns trigger language plpgsql as $$
        insert into target_table
            nullif(new.json- 'x'- 'y', '{}');
        return new;
    end $$;
    create trigger json_data_trigger
    before insert on json_data
    for each row execute procedure json_data_trigger();

    Test it in Db<>Fiddle.