Hi im new to Qt and im trying to read for example the first 4 bytes of my .txt file and show it. I've been searching and figure that QbyteArray may help me best in this situation. so I really like to know how can i read the first 4 bytes of my file with QbyteArray? (appreciate if u write any example code)
Assuming your code contains something like this:
QFile file{ "path/to/file.txt" };
You can read a number of bytes from a file with file.read(n)
, assuming n to be a number of bytes. you can also use file.readAll()
to get the entire thing
for more advanced input/output operations, you can use the QTextStream
class as such:
QFile file { "path/to/file.txt" };
QTextStream stream { &file };
(This is a stream that can read and write data to the provided device, here, a file.)
For more info, see here:
https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qfile.html for QFile
https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtextstream.html for QTextStream