I've got a problem with Spark, its driver and an OoM issue.
Currently I have a dataframe which is being built with several, joined sources (actually different tables in parquet format), and there are thousands of tuples. They have a date which represents the date of creation of the record, and distinctly they are a few.
I do the following:
from pyspark.sql.functions import year, month
# ...
selectionRows = inputDataframe.select(year('registration_date').alias('year'), month('registration_date').alias('month')).distinct()
selectionRows.show() # correctly shows 8 tuples
selectionRows = selectionRows.collect() # goes heap space OoM
Reading the memory consumption statistics shows that the driver does not exceed ~60%. I thought that the driver should load only the distinct subset, not the entire dataframe.
Am I missing something? Is it possible to collect those few rows in a smarter way? I need them as a pushdown predicate to load a secondary dataframe.
Thank you very much!
After reading the comments and elaborating my personal needs, I cached the dataframe at every "join/elaborate" step, so that in a timeline I do the following:
This reduced some complex ETL jobs down to 20% of the original time (as previously it was applying the transformations of each previous step at each count).
Lesson learned :)
After reading the comments, I elaborated the solution for my use case.
As mentioned in the question, I join several tables one with each other in a "target dataframe", and at each iteration I do some transformations, like so:
# n-th table work
target = target.join(other, how='left')
target = target.filter(...)
target = target.withColumn('a', 'b')
target = target.select(...)
print(f'Target after table "other": {target.count()}')
The problem of slowliness / OoM was that Spark was forced to do all the transformations from start to finish at each table due to the ending count
, making it slower and slower at each table / iteration.
The solution I found is to cache the dataframe at each iteration, like so:
cache: DataFrame = null
# ...
# n-th table work
target = target.join(other, how='left')
target = target.filter(...)
target = target.withColumn('a', 'b')
target = target.select(...)
target = target.cache()
target_count = target.count() # actually do the cache
if cache:
cache.unpersist() # free the memory from the old cache version
cache = target
print(f'Target after table "other": {target_count}')