I am trying to create a Binomial GLM with a logistic link to model my data. The variables are: age (age group; 25-29, 30-39 or 40-49), education (educational level; high or low), wantsMore (may want more children in longer term; yes or no), using (number of women using contraception) and notUsing (number of women not using contraception).
I am trying to predict the number of numbers of women not using contraception using the education, age and wantsMore variables.
I have set up my model as seen below but I cant get it to work due to error messages, also shown below. Does anyone know where I have gone wrong in setting up the model?
my model
my_model = glm(cbind(notUsing, using-notUsing) ~ age + education + wantsMore,
data = contraceptive2,
family = binomial(link = "logit"))
error message
Error in family$linkfun(mustart) : Value 7.64286 out of range (0, 1)
Assume this is linked to my explanatory variables but unsure how to change it
My dataframe
age education wantsMore notUsing using
1 <25 low yes 53 6
2 <25 low no 10 4
3 <25 high yes 200 52
4 <25 high no 50 10
5 25-29 low yes 60 14
6 25-29 low no 19 10
The two column matrix in the left hand side of the formula should contain "successes" and "failures", i.e. in this case "notUsing" and "using" (or vice-versa). You don't want to subtract the successes from the failures. Apart from anything this data would have a negative number of failures! Try:
my_model = glm(cbind(notUsing, using) ~ age + education + wantsMore,
data = contraceptive2,
family = binomial(link = "logit"))