Nested TextInput component does not allow other components' onPress function to be called. Only when the TextInput is not focused, the onPress works fine.
React Native Version : 0.66.3
Here is my code
export const Component = (props): JSX.Element {
const { searchText, onChangeSearchText, onClearSearchText } = props
const [searchViewFocused, setSearchViewFocused] = useState<boolean>(false)
const searchIcon = searchViewFocused ? "searchActive" : "searchInactive"
const cancelIcon = searchViewFocused ? "cancelActive" : "cancelInactive"
return (
<View style={styles.searchBoxContainer}>
<View style={[styles.searchBox, searchViewFocused && styles.searchBarActive]}>
<Icon styles={styles.searchIcon} icon={searchIcon} />
onFocus={() => setSearchViewFocused(true)}
onBlur={() => setSearchViewFocused(false)}
{searchText !== "" && (
<Pressable style={styles.clearIcon} onPress={onClearSearchText}>
<Icon icon={cancelIcon} />
Attached are the images of
The issue
When the cross icon is pressed on focused state, the textInput is unfocused rather What I am trying to achieve is that the search text gets cleared & the input remains focused.
Note: The onPress works perfectly fine when input is not focused
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
PS: Tried TouchableOpacity & also I have tried wrapping the components inside a ScrollView to use keyboardShouldPersistTaps='handled' as mentioned in one of the SO answer but to no success.
Found a workaround to this is to wrap the whole component into a ScrollView and adding the prop keyboardShouldPersistTaps='handled'
Previously I was making the View inside the Component
as ScrollView and adding keyboardShouldPersistTaps='handled'
which did not work
export const Component = (props): JSX.Element {
return (
<ScrollView contentContainerStyle={styles.searchBoxContainer}
The key was to wrap the entire component inside the ScrollView,
Here's what worked:
<ScrollView keyboardShouldPersistTaps='handled'>
<Component {...props}/>
Guess this was a silly mistake, but worth pointing out!