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How do I connect an MS Access DB to a C# program in Visual Studio?

I have written a simple program in C# using WinForms .NET Core and I am having trouble linking the database. All the online tutorials provide C# code that uses OLE DB connectivity however it seems that it only works for .NET Framework and not .NET Core. Can anyone provide the C# code of Odbc? I have added the MS database in Data Connections and now I just need the C# code for my submit button and any connection strings. I also have an SQLite Database I could add as opposed to MS Access.


  • I would opt for SQLite Database but if you want MS-Access the following provides how to connect where the key is installing the package below.

    Try the following coded with .NET Core, C#9.

    Add System.Data.OleDb (I dropped down several versions, from 7 to 6) from NuGet. Add a class to your project and change the connection string for your database, here it's in the app folder.

    public class Operations
        public static string ConnectionString =>
            "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=NorthWind.accdb";
        public static (bool succcess, Exception exception) TestConnection()
            using var cn = new OleDbConnection { ConnectionString = ConnectionString };
                return (true, null);
            catch (Exception e)
                return (false, e);

    Run the above code

    var (success, exception) = Operations.TestConnection();
    if (success)
        MessageBox.Show("Good to go");