I have tables name applications and status. The tables as follow:
Table: applications:
id | status_id | is_active |
1 | 1 | true |
2 | 1 | true |
3 | 1 | true |
4 | 2 | true |
5 | 2 | true |
Table: status:
id | desc |
1 | completed |
2 | pending |
3 | processed |
4 | failed |
I'm trying to count the applications base on status. The expected output I want in blade:
Status | Total |
All | 5 |
Completed | 3 |
Pending | 2 |
Processed | 0 |
Failed | 0 |
I am using eloquent in my controller to get the count, but i have to make different variable for each status.
$total = Application::select('*')
->where('is_active', 'true')
$complete = Application::select('*')
->where('application_sts', 1)
->where('is_active', 'true')
Is there any simple way to do this?
You can do it this way:
Status::select(DB::raw('status.id, status.desc, COUNT(*) AS count'))
->join('applications', 'status.id', '=', 'applications.status_id')
Or this way:
DB::table('applications')->select(DB::raw('status.id, status.desc, COUNT(*) AS count'))
->join('status', 'status.id', '=', 'applications.status_id')