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Joomla 1.5 com_user and importing user plugins like Joomla 1.6 and above

When accessing com_users component in Joomla 1.6 and 1.7 on front-end the application automatically imports all plugins from 'user' group. Obviously it is very useful if one doesn't want to create a component to simply pass some variables to a plugin.

Ok. let's make it simplier:

  1. User gets an activation link: and clicks it.
  2. Of course the component will omit emailactivation and other params simply displying "Edit Profile Form" (or login form for guests).
  3. Then JApplication imports all plugins from 'user' group, which triggers __constructors

Basically, with plugin's __constructor one can set up simple action like this one below:

class plgUserAccountactivation extends JPlugin
    public function __construct(& $subject, $config)
        parent::__construct($subject, $config);

        if(isset($_GET['emailactivation'])) {
            // check token
            // activate account, email or whatever
            // redirect with message

Wow! It works, it is not necessary to create a whole controller to handle one simple task.

But hold on a minute...

  • In the link change index.php?option=com_users to index.php?option=com_user
  • And let's try on Joomla 1.5...

Hey, hey, nothing happens com_user didn't import anything at all and __constructor wan't called.

I am very troubled by this in Joomla 1.5 and I don't feel like writing whole component.

Should anybody have some bright idea, please let me know.

Edit: I've solved my problem by sending the link in the following form:


This way user plugins are included and __constructors are executed. But this is so frivolous as task=logout doesn't really encourage to click in the link.


  • The problem with 1.5 is, that events are more limited. You have the following events available: Joomla 1.5 Plugin Events - User. I guess therefore your plugin is not initiated.

    How about making this a system plugin and checking for the activation in the URL/request properties? Something like:

    class plgSystemUseractiavation extends JPlugin {
      function onAfterInitialise(){
        $u = &JURI::getInstance(); 
        $option = trim(strtolower($u->getVar('option')));
        $emailactivation = trim(strtolower($u->getVar('emailactivation')));
        if( strlen($option  < 1) ){ // for SEF...
            $option = trim(strtolower(JRequest::getString('option')));
        $app =& JFactory::getApplication(); 
        $appName = trim(strtolower($app->getName()));
        if( $appName === 'site' ){
            if( ( $option === 'com_users' ) || ( $option === 'com_user' ) ){
                if( $emailactivation === '1' ){
                    // check token
                    // activate account, email or whatever
                    // redirect with message                        