I have a complicated mapping logic which I seek to execute within groupby context. The code compiles and doesn't panic, but results are incorrect. I know the logic implementation is correct. Hence, I wonder if when-then-otherwise is supposed to be used within groupby at all?
use polars::prelude::*;
use polars::df;
fn main() {
let df = df! [
"Region" => ["EU", "EU", "EU", "EU", "EU"],
"values" => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
let df = df.lazy()
.agg( [
pub fn month_weight() -> Expr {
// First, If MonthCCY is JUNEUR or AUGEUR - apply 0.05
when(col("MonthCCY").map( |s|{
Ok( s.utf8()?
.into_series() )
, GetOutput::from_type(DataType::Boolean)
// Second, If MonthCCY is JANEUR - apply 0.0225
when(col("MonthCCY").map( |s|{
Ok( s.utf8()?
.into_series() )
, GetOutput::from_type(DataType::Boolean)
// Third, If MonthCCY starts with JUL or FEB (eg FEBUSD or FEBEUR)- apply 0.15
when(col("MonthCCY").apply( |s|{
let x = s.utf8()?
.str_slice(0, Some(3))?;
let y = x.contains("JUL|FEB")?
, GetOutput::from_type(DataType::Boolean)
//Finally, if none of the above matched, apply 0.2
The result I am getting is:
│ MonthCCY ┆ Weight │
│ --- ┆ --- │
│ str ┆ list [f64] │
│ APRUSD ┆ [0.2, 0.15] │
│ MAYUSD ┆ [0.2] │
│ JUNEUR ┆ [0.05] │
│ JULUSD ┆ [0.2] │
Clearly, I would expect JULUSD to be [0.15] and APRUSD to be [0.2, 0.2].
Is my expectation of how when().then().otherwise() works within groupby wrong?
I am on Windows11, rustc 1.60.
Yep, you're doing the groupby and the mapping in the wrong order. month_weight()
is not an aggregation expression but a simple mapping expression.
As it is, each group of the DataFrame is getting agg
ed into a series that ultimately derives from order of the data in the original frame.
You first want to create a Weight
column with values given by the mapping you specify in month_weight()
, and then you want to aggregate this column into a list for each group.
So, what you want is the following:
let df = df
.with_column(month_weight().alias("Weight")) // create new column first
.groupby_stable([col("MonthCCY")]) // then group
.agg([col("Weight").list()]); // then collect into a list per group
println!("{:?}", df.collect().unwrap());
shape: (4, 2)
│ MonthCCY ┆ Weight │
│ --- ┆ --- │
│ str ┆ list [f64] │
│ APRUSD ┆ [0.2, 0.2] │
│ MAYUSD ┆ [0.2] │
│ JUNEUR ┆ [0.05] │
│ JULUSD ┆ [0.15] │
Also, as an aside, .when().then()
can be chained indefinitely; you don't need to nest them. So just as you can write a chained if ... else if ... else if ... else
, you can write col().when().then().when().then() ... .otherwise()
, which is a lot simpler than nesting each additional condition.