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Generic method to retrieve DbSet <T> from DbContext and Using Include() method c#

I made this function that retrieves all the data.

public static List<Volunteer> GetAllVolunteers()
    using (VolunteerPlacementSystemDBEntities1 db = new VolunteerPlacementSystemDBEntities1())
        return db.Volunteers.**Include(v => v.roleForVolunteers).Include(v => v.VolunteerOffers)

And I have this generic function that retrieves DBSet T.

public static List<T> GetDbSet<T>() where T : class
    using (VolunteerPlacementSystemDBEntities1 db = new VolunteerPlacementSystemDBEntities1())
        return db.GetDbSet<T>().ToList();

Can I make a generic function that will retrieve all the data that connect to one DBSet T?

Thanks in advance.


  • Thanks to everyone who tried to help me. This is the solution that worked for me.

      public static List<T> GetDbSetWithIncludes<T>(string[] includes) where T : class
            using (VolunteerPlacementSystemDBEntities1 db = new VolunteerPlacementSystemDBEntities1())
                db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
                return IncludeMultiple<T>(db.GetDbSet<T>(), includes).ToList();
     public static IQueryable<T> IncludeMultiple<T>(IQueryable<T> query, string[] includes)where T : class
                if (includes != null)
                    query = includes.Aggregate(query, (current, include) =>
                return query;