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Bot not send ephemeral message

I'm making a command called roleinfo, but when I want it to press the buttons it doesn't send the message in ephemeral! Does anyone know why? I've already tried the interaction.reply but the INTERACTION_ALREADY_REPLIED error comes up without the command having a deferReply!

const { MessageEmbed, MessageActionRow, MessageButton } = require("discord.js");
const moment = require("moment");
module.exports = {
  name: "roleteste",
  description: "Obtenha informações de um cargo",
  options: [
      name: "role",
      type: "ROLE",
      description: "O cargo que você deseja obter as informações !",
      required: true,
  run: async (client, interaction, args) => {
    const role = interaction.guild.roles.cache.get(args[0]);
     const permissions = {
            "ADMINISTRATOR": "Administrador",
            "VIEW_AUDIT_LOG": "Ver Registro de Auditoria",
            "VIEW_GUILD_INSIGHTS": "Exibir insights do servidor",
            "MANAGE_GUILD": "Gerenciar Servidor",
            "MANAGE_ROLES": "Gerenciar Cargos",
            "MANAGE_CHANNELS": "Gerenciar Canais",
            "KICK_MEMBERS": "Expulsar Membros",
            "BAN_MEMBERS": "Banir Membros",
            "CREATE_INSTANT_INVITE": "Criar convite",
            "CHANGE_NICKNAME": "Mudar apelido",
            "MANAGE_NICKNAMES": "Gerenciar apelidos",
            "MANAGE_EMOJIS": "Gerenciar Emojis",
            "MANAGE_WEBHOOKS": "Gerenciar webhooks",
            "VIEW_CHANNEL": "Ler canais de texto e ver canais de voz",
            "SEND_MESSAGES": "Enviar mensagens",
            "SEND_TTS_MESSAGES": "Enviar mensagens TTS",
            "MANAGE_MESSAGES": "Gerenciar mensagens",
            "EMBED_LINKS": "Embed Links",
            "ATTACH_FILES": "Anexar arquivos",
            "READ_MESSAGE_HISTORY": "Leia o histórico da mensagem",
            "MENTION_EVERYONE": "Mencione @everyone, @here e Todos os cargos",
            "USE_EXTERNAL_EMOJIS": "Usar Emojis Externos",
            "ADD_REACTIONS": "Adicionar Reações",
            "CONNECT": "Conectar",
            "SPEAK": "Falar",
            "STREAM": "Video",
            "MUTE_MEMBERS": "Mutar Membros",
            "DEAFEN_MEMBERS": "Membros surdos",
            "MOVE_MEMBERS": "Mover membros",
            "USE_VAD": "Usar atividade de voz",
            "PRIORITY_SPEAKER": "Orador prioritário"

        const yesno = {
            true: '`Sim`',
            false: '`Não`'

        const rolePermissions = role.permissions.toArray();
        const finalPermissions = [];
        for (const permission in permissions) {
            if (rolePermissions.includes(permission)) finalPermissions.push(`${client.emoji.success} ${permissions[permission]}`);
            else finalPermissions.push(`${} ${permissions[permission]}`);

        const position = `\`${interaction.guild.roles.cache.size - role.position}°\``;
        const embed = new MessageEmbed()
        .addField(`${} ID`, `\`${}\``, true)
        .addField(`${client.emoji.trophy} Posição`, `${position}`, true)
        .addField(`${} Mencionável`, yesno[role.mentionable], true)
        .addField(`${} Cargo de bot`, yesno[role.managed], true)
        .addField(`${client.emoji.on} Visível`, yesno[role.hoist], true)
        .addField(`${client.emoji.rcolor} Cor`, `\`${role.hexColor.toUpperCase()}\``, true)
        .addField(`${client.emoji.calendar} Data de criação`, `${moment(role.createdAt).format('LLL')}(${moment(role.createdAt).startOf('day').fromNow()})`, true)
const row = new MessageActionRow()
        new MessageButton()
             .setCustomId('perms')        .setStyle('SECONDARY')
     const m = await interaction.followUp({ embeds: [embed], components: [row], fetchReply: true  })
        const iFilter = i => ===;

        const collector = m.createMessageComponentCollector({ filter: iFilter, time: 10 * 60000 });

        collector.on('collect', async(i) => {
            switch (i.customId) {
                case `perms`:
                     embeds: [new MessageEmbed()
                                     .setTitle(`${client.emoji.perms} Permissões`)
                                     ], ephemeral: true

In the interactionCreate it can't be the problem, remembering that my bot always had the reply error, so I always used the followUp


  • Within the button press event, you didn't call the function i.deferUpdate. Which would most likely state that the interaction failed, I would advise fixing this first by calling the function, you can do this by adding (); at the end, meaning it would be this: i.deferUpdate();.

    Secondly, the reason why the message isn't being sent ephemerally is due to you using m.reply, you could instead replace it with interaction.followUp again, or replace m.reply with i.reply and remove i.deferUpdate(); to be able to have the message be sent as ephemeral.


    m.reply({ // Object passed here


    i.reply({ // Object passed here

    If there is an error I made in this answer, reply so I can edit the fix.