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WPF resource merged to Application.Resources but not resolved at runtime

I have a brush that is part of a ResourceDictionary that is merged to Application.Resources.

But for some reason it's not resolved at runtime when a style is being applied to one of the controls. However, if I call Application.Current.FindResource("BrushName") from the Immediate Window at the time when exception is thrown, the resource is found.

Am I missing something? Isn't WPF supposed to try to look for the resource in the app's resources?

UPDATE The application is quite big, so I can't post all actual code but here's the way the resources are merged and used:


<ResourceDictionary ...>
  <SolidColorBrush x:Key="BrushName" Color="#12345678" />


<ResourceDictionary ...>
  <Style x:Key="SomeStyle">
    <Setter Property="SomeProperty" Value="{StaticResource BrushName}" />


<Application ...>

        <ResourceDictionary Source="Brushes.xaml" />
        <ResourceDictionary Source="SomeStyles.xaml" />

</Application ...>

And then some control might use the style using the resource like this:

Style={StaticResource SomeStyle}


It seems to happen to menus and controls that are created in code. Can it be related to those controls and menus not being parts of any window's visual tree?


  • Your SomeStyle.xaml dictionary needs to reference Brushes.xaml dictionary directly, like so:

    <ResourceDictionary ...>
        <ResourceDictionary Source="Brushes.xaml" />
      <Style x:Key="SomeStyle">
        <Setter Property="SomeProperty" Value="{StaticResource BrushName}" />

    StaticResources only search up the tree of the current dictionary, so you need to pass in any resources that it needs to reference.