I am trying to query the tax calculator for my country using url https://swisstaxcalculator.estv.admin.ch/#/calculator/income-wealth-tax
Using browser inspector I know that the query should look something like this:
"SimKey": null,
"TaxYear": 2021,
"TaxLocationID": 100000000,
"Relationship": 1,
"Confession1": 5,
"Children": [
"Age": 6
"Age": 11
"Confession2": 0,
"TaxableIncomeCanton": 30000,
"TaxableIncomeFed": 30000,
"TaxableFortune": 0
I'm using the following query in R but the Children argument is ignored. As you can see I have made multiple attempts but none works..
url <- https://swisstaxcalculator.estv.admin.ch/delegate/ost-integration/v1/lg-proxy/operation/c3b67379_ESTV/API_calculateSimpleTaxes
body = list(
SimKey = NULL,
TaxYear = 2021,
TaxLocationID = 100000000,
Relationship = 1,
Confession1 = 5,
# Children = list("Age" = 6, "Age" = 11),
# Children = array(c(6,11), dimnames = list(c("Age", "Age"))),
Children ='[{Age:6,Age:11}]',
Confession2 = 0,
TaxableIncomeCanton = 30000,
TaxableIncomeFed = 30000,
TaxableFortune = 0
encode = "json")
Can anybody help me figuring out how to pass the Children argument? Using the calculator manually I know the response should be as follows for this input:
You have to pass the children ages as a nested list from within R:
url <- "https://swisstaxcalculator.estv.admin.ch/delegate/ost-integration/v1/lg-proxy/operation/c3b67379_ESTV/API_calculateSimpleTaxes"
resp <- httr::POST(url,
body = list(
SimKey = NULL,
TaxYear = 2021,
TaxLocationID = 100000000,
Relationship = 1,
Confession1 = 5,
Children = list(list(Age = 6), list(Age = 11)),
Confession2 = 0,
TaxableIncomeCanton = 30000,
TaxableIncomeFed = 30000,
TaxableFortune = 0
encode = "json")
content <- httr::content(resp, encoding = "UTF-8", as = "text")
#> $response
#> $response$IncomeSimpleTaxCanton
#> [1] 1138
#> $response$FortuneTaxCanton
#> [1] 0
#> $response$IncomeSimpleTaxCity
#> [1] 1138
#> $response$IncomeTaxChurch
#> [1] 0
#> $response$IncomeTaxCity
#> [1] 893
#> $response$IncomeSimpleTaxFed
#> [1] 0
#> $response$PersonalTax
#> [1] 0
#> $response$FortuneTaxCity
#> [1] 0
#> $response$FortuneSimpleTaxCanton
#> [1] 0
#> $response$IncomeTaxFed
#> [1] 0
#> $response$FortuneSimpleTaxCity
#> [1] 0
#> $response$IncomeTaxCanton
#> [1] 1763
#> $response$Location
#> $response$Location$TaxLocationID
#> [1] 100000000
#> $response$Location$ZipCode
#> [1] "1000"
#> $response$Location$BfsID
#> [1] 5586
#> $response$Location$CantonID
#> [1] 23
#> $response$Location$BfsName
#> [1] "Lausanne"
#> $response$Location$City
#> [1] "Lausanne"
#> $response$Location$Canton
#> [1] "VD"
#> $response$FortuneTaxChurch
#> [1] 0