I have a request that looks like the following
"date" => "2022-05-25"
"shift" => "2"
"attendance" => array:1 [▼
4 => array:5 [▼
"present" => "on"
"employee_id" => "4"
"time_in" => "15:00"
"time_out" => "01:00"
"note" => null
knowing that each shift has its own starting and leaving time, also each shift has the option to be across midnight. for this case, we have the shift like this
#attributes: array:6 [▼
"id" => 2
"title" => "Evening Shift"
"starting_time" => "15:00"
"leaving_time" => "01:00"
"across_midnight" => 1
"user_id" => 1
what I need is to validate the time_in and time_out to be between starting_time and leaving_time
for example, here (in this case) the valid values can be 17:00, 18:00, 22:00, 00:30 While 14::00 is not a valid value
this is my validation rules for now that works well if the shift doesn't cross midnight
public function rules()
$shift = Shift::find($this->shift);
$rules = [
'date' => 'required|date|date_format:Y-m-d',
'shift' => 'required|exists:shifts,id,user_id,' . auth()->id(),
'attendance' => 'required|array',
'attendance.*.employee_id' => 'required|exists:employees,id,user_id,' . auth()->id(),
foreach ($this->attendance as $key => $Value) {
$rules['attendance.' . $key . '.time_in'] = [Rule::requiredIf($this->has('attendance.' . $key . '.present')), 'date_format:H:i', 'nullable', 'after_or_equal:' . $shift?->starting_time, 'before_or_equal:' . $shift?->leaving_time];
$rules['attendance.' . $key . '.time_out'] = [Rule::requiredIf($this->has('attendance.' . $key . '.present')), 'date_format:H:i', 'nullable', 'after_or_equal:' . $shift?->starting_time, 'before_or_equal:' . $shift?->leaving_time];
return $rules;
here is what I get if the shift crosses midnight
The Time In must be a date before or equal to 01:00.
The Time Out must be a date after or equal to 15:00.
I finally found a solution for this.
I've created a rule using the command 'php artisan make:rule CrossMidnightTimeValidation'
inside the created file
namespace App\Rules;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Rule;
class CrossMidnightTimeValidation implements Rule
private $starting_time,$end_time;
public function __construct($starting_time, $end_time)
$this->starting_time = $starting_time;
$this->end_time = $end_time;
* Determine if the validation rule passes.
* @param string $attribute
* @param mixed $value
* @return bool
public function passes($attribute, $value)
return ($value >= $this->starting_time && $value <= now()->endOfDay()->format('H:i'))
|| (($value >= now()->startOfDay()->format('H:i') && $value <= $this->end_time));
* Get the validation error message.
* @return string
public function message()
return 'Invalid Time (out of the shift time).';
for my rules.
public function rules()
$shift = Shift::find($this->shift);
$rules = [
'date' => 'required|date|date_format:Y-m-d',
'shift' => 'required|exists:shifts,id,user_id,' . auth()->id(),
'attendance' => 'required|array',
'attendance.*.employee_id' => 'required|exists:employees,id,user_id,' . auth()->id(),
if ($shift->across_midnight) {
foreach ($this->attendance as $key => $value) {
$rules['attendance.' . $key . '.time_in'] = [Rule::requiredIf($this->has('attendance.' . $key . '.present')), 'date_format:H:i', 'nullable', new CrossMidnightTimeValidation($shift?->starting_time, $shift?->leaving_time)];
$rules['attendance.' . $key . '.time_out'] = [Rule::requiredIf($this->has('attendance.' . $key . '.present')), 'date_format:H:i', 'nullable', new CrossMidnightTimeValidation($shift?->starting_time, $shift?->leaving_time)];
else {
foreach ($this->attendance as $key => $value) {
$rules['attendance.' . $key . '.time_in'] = [Rule::requiredIf($this->has('attendance.' . $key . '.present')), 'date_format:H:i', 'nullable', 'before_or_equal:attendance.' . $key . '.time_out', 'after_or_equal:' . $shift?->starting_time];
$rules['attendance.' . $key . '.time_out'] = [Rule::requiredIf($this->has('attendance.' . $key . '.present')), 'date_format:H:i', 'nullable', 'before_or_equal:' . $shift?->leaving_time, 'after_or_equal:' . $shift?->starting_time];
return $rules;