I want to prove the following theorem:
Theorem T5:
forall s t, (forall u, OoS s u <-> OoS t u) -> s = t.
My current context and goal are:
1 subgoal
s, t : Entity
H : forall u : Entity, OoS s u <-> OoS t u
(forall v : Entity, OoS s v <-> OoS s v \/ OoS t v) /\
(forall v : Entity, OoS t v <-> OoS s v \/ OoS t v)
I was wondering if it’s possible to use the equivalence of the implication to rewrite the goal as forall v : Entity, OoS s v <-> OoS t v
as the right part of both equivalence are the same. And then I would use the assumption tactic to finish my proof. But I don’t know if it’s possible to do so and how to do it.
You can rewrite
with any equivalence relation in an adequately congruent context using setoid rewriting, see this documentation page.
In your specific case, here is how it would look like:
From Coq Require Import Setoid.
Context (Entity : Type) (OoS : Entity -> Entity -> Prop)
(s t : Entity) (H : forall v, OoS s v <-> OoS t v).
enter code here
Goal (forall v : Entity, OoS s v <-> OoS s v \/ OoS t v) /\
(forall v : Entity, OoS t v <-> OoS s v \/ OoS t v).
split; intros v; rewrite H; intuition.
I split the conjunction and introduce v
so that rewrite H
properly unify OoS s ?x
(there might be a way to do without using setoid rewriting under a binder but I am not really fluent with these techniques).