I am using python.
The following line of code prints some information to the screen:
p = open3d.read_point_cloud("data.ply")
which prints Reading PLY: [========================================] 100%
I want to suppress the printed information.
I tried this:
text_trap = io.StringIO()
sys.stdout = text_trap
p = open3d.read_point_cloud("data.ply")
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
However it does not work. I found the implementation of this function to be inside a .so
Can anyone provide help? Appreciate it!
I wanted to add this as a comment but, I don't have enough rep to add comments, so Typing it as a answer.
Have you tried to use the print_progress parameter, this might solve your problem
p = open3d.read_point_cloud("data.ply",print_progress=False)